Indie-rock band Slaughter Beach, Dog is returning to the District next week to play a show at the 9:30 Club.
Slaughter Beach, Dog is the Philadelphia-based project of former Modern Baseball frontman Jake Ewald. The band’s sound has grown up with Ewald, moving from MoBo emo influences on their first album Welcome to a folk-ish twang on their most recent release Crying, Laughing, Waving, Smiling.
Sincere and nostalgic, Ewald’s lyrics conjure up the simple moments in life that you end up remembering: moving out of a first apartment, walking home on empty moonlit streets, falling asleep on the porch. Weaving light-handed nostalgia with wit and dreamy slide guitar, listening to a Slaughter Beach, Dog song feels like sorting through old photos you found in your attic.
Though they’re best listened to in a cabin in the woods, you can catch them and opener Rich Ruth on Monday at 7pm – get your tickets here.