HONEST AND MERCIFUL: Scene journalist Taylor Ruckle talks DMV music

HONEST AND MERCIFUL: Scene journalist Taylor Ruckle talks DMV music

We’ve said it before, D.C. music is in a weird place. Often the scene can feel aimless and lacking in community, not nearly as together as cities like Philly, Pittsburgh, or New York with their strong emo, shoegaze, and punk pockets, respectively. Maybe you think it’s been slowly dying since harDCore fizzled out in the 80s. Maybe you think it’s on the precipice of taking off again. Maybe you think it’s mediocre and unremarkable but either way, you’re thinking about it. Or at least we’re thinking about it.
We made blackout poetry with your college essays

We made blackout poetry with your college essays

Since high schoolers nation wide are making their customary announcement Instagram posts, we thought it'd be a good time to revisit application essays from GW students. We wanted to turn our pain into art, to honor the parts of ourselves we cut out just to get in. WARNING: Shit gets deep.